Annie Sloan Chalk Paint ® Videos
Annie Sloan has a myriad of resources available to you online via her website and youtube channel. Here are some of our favorite beginner level instructional videos.
1. A beginner's guide to Chalk Paint - this is a quick introductory video to the paint and its application process.
2. 5 things you need to know about Chalk Paint - a set of important tips to help you through your first adventure with Chalk Paint.
3. How to apply Chalk Paint Lacquer- Sealing your work is vital after applying Chalk Paint, here's a quick video series on how to utilizer her lacquer.
4. How to gild furniture using Chalk Paint- A beloved technique, and frequently explained at our shop in Brooklyn, NY. Here's a quick video on how to add a bit of "juge" to your next piece!
5. How to paint your kitchen cabinets with Chalk Paint - Ah, a fan favorite and one of the most common projects that will most probably be the catalyst to your Chalk Paint addiction.